Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday's Saying

We can't live a positive life, with a negative mind.
How true that is. Sorry it's been awhile. Things have been busy here. We got back last week from a cruise to the Western Caribbean. 
We drove from Texas to Tampa, Florida on April 13th, then set sail April 15th. 

Our stops were in Cozumel, Mexico, Belize City, Belize, Mahogany Bay Isla of Roatan, Honduras, George Town Grand Cayman. We'd been to Cozumel & Grand Cayman, but not Belize or Isla of Roatan. 
  If we could do the same cruise again without Belize we would do it again. It's not that Belize was TERRIBLE it just wasn't what we had expected. Coming home was tiring, because we were already tired and we all had to either go back to school or work Monday morning. It was a fun trip and I can't wait until we get to go again! Which for us kids will be in 2 years. For those of you who don't know, every other year us kids get to go on the cruise with my parents for their anniversary. This year was their 28th. So on their 30th we'll go again.

School is almost out so things are going to get busy at work soon! 
Hope everyone has a good week!