Thursday, April 21, 2011


Okay so I said on my last post I would let you know what the surprise was for my parents. Well I got busy and forgot until a friend asked what they were. Surprise 1 was a new dryer for my mom. We got a washer that you could stack a few years ago, and have wanted to get the dryer to. So one day Parker & I ran all over TX it felt like trying to get the dryer. Needless to say we finally got it home and set up. I must say I like how it looks.
Next we got a shed for the lawn mower, weed whip, edger, and all other lawn cutting things.
The shed was a pain because we got one size thinking it would work... and then it was too small. By that point the trash service had already taken the box so, we weren't sure if Lowe's was going to take it back. Needless to say we ended up taking it back and after LOTS of problems, we got a bigger shed. It looks nice having the garage empty of all that stuff.
Another exciting thing... I PASSED MY FINALS!!!! I'm soooo happy about that. Now on to the second semester. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds like a bizy last couple of weeks! And CRONGRATS on the finals!
