Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's been awhile

Sorry it's been a bit since I posted anything. Life got a little crazy after school got out. :)
I got a job at the rec. center in our town, as Summer camp counselor. So I get to work with kids even though schools out. I really like what we do. Every week we go on a field trip to different places in the area. Then we have guest speakers from the businesses in town. Along with playing games, swimming, and being together The kids all seem to enjoy what we do. Some kids give you a run for your money but it's worth it.

There are 6 counselors total, 2 for each group. We have 3 groups split into older, middle, and younger campers. We all get along really well, so that makes it nice. I haven't done a lot of school, so I have to play catch up with that. I had great intentions of doing school work everyday, but that didn't happen. Well other then that life has been great. Sorry I haven't been keeping in touch as well.
Hope you all have a great week.
