Saturday, January 29, 2011


Well I'm going out of the country soon. To be exact we leave in 19 days. I was given a opportunity to go with some friends of ours, and to be honest I wasn't sure about going. BUT my parents talked me into it. So now I'm going. I'm getting more excited as it gets closer but still kinda scared about going. We will be gone 7 days and so it's not a long trip which is probably a good thing. I have a chance to go skiing for the first time in my life but I'm not really sure I will do it. I will be at 6 weeks recovery time by the time we leave, but I'm not sure I want to risk it. One thing I do know it's going to be FREEZING!!! I know now that I really am a California girl. I don't like being cold. We have a couple awesome layovers. On the way there our layover is in Madrid, Spain and on our way back in New York. So that will be cool too!  Pray for me that I will be a good example and that I will have fun.


Monday, January 24, 2011


Well I had my last visit with the surgeon today. He said everything looks good, and released me to do my normal activities. I just still have to take it easy. He said to keep up watching what I eat. So that's nice to know.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Now The Wait!!

I'm home now, yipee!!! I have 4-6 weeks till full recovery, and it seems like that will be FOREVER away!!
But mommy keeps reminding me "one day at a time." So that helps a little bit. :)
The thing that's driving me crazy is the fact that I can't do anything right now. I don't like having to sit all the time.
I could do school but, who wants to do that? I NEED to write a essay on picking out appropriate toys for kids. The words just aren't coming to me and it's REALLY annoying. :p Hopefully I'll come up with something soon. Since I have a lot of time to work on it. OH well!! Hope you all are having a good day. Sorry I'm complaining so much. My Mom would say "3 positive things Brittney." So here they are. 1.  I don't have to worry about what I eat anymore. 2. I have A LOT of great family &  friends. 3. I'm alive!! So there you go. :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hospital Visit

In case nobody's heard I ended up in the hospital yesterday.
I had been in A LOT of pain while I was out in Virginia. So I came home early and went to see Dr. Steve yesterday.
He sent me to the hospital and I've been here ever since. I am going into surgery today to get my gallbladder taken out. We're hoping that everything goes well and I can leave by tomorrow. I'm so drugged right now that I keep dosing off. :) Well hope to see you all soon!!!
Thanks for ALL the prayers, phone calls, and texts. I really appreciate it.