Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday's Saying

So today was one of those days you wish you could just crawl back into bed and restart.
With my Grandma Jean being here my room is the guest room. Sooo to not disrupt my sister's sleeping with my 6 am wake up, I decided I would sleep on the couch. Which went fine on Saturday night. Last night, not so much. I woke up at 4:30 thinking I had overslept my alarm. Then again at 5:30. By 5:55 I was done, so I got up and got ready to go. Then at the end of my day when I went to go leave work, well lets just say my car had other ideas. It wouldn't start. I was soo tired and ready to go home, that I burst into tears. Crazy I know, but that's one thing that makes me emotional. I went back into work and just chilled in the AC, and my dad was able to come to my rescue a few hours later. Momma had taken Grandma to see IKEA and return some stuff, so she couldn't come save me. After a YUMMY dinner, Daddy & I went back to see what we could figure out. And of course it started right up!! I was calling my car not nice names on the back home. Bad of me I know. So tomorrow we are doing a ladies lunch for Grandma. I won't be able to be there because of work but I'll see if my mom can take pictures.
So today's saying is:
Remind yourself it's okay not to be perfect.
I have to remember this...
Hope everyone has a good week!! Tomorrow we are going on a field trip to the Cowboy's Stadium.
It will be a interesting day.  

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