Monday, January 10, 2011

Now The Wait!!

I'm home now, yipee!!! I have 4-6 weeks till full recovery, and it seems like that will be FOREVER away!!
But mommy keeps reminding me "one day at a time." So that helps a little bit. :)
The thing that's driving me crazy is the fact that I can't do anything right now. I don't like having to sit all the time.
I could do school but, who wants to do that? I NEED to write a essay on picking out appropriate toys for kids. The words just aren't coming to me and it's REALLY annoying. :p Hopefully I'll come up with something soon. Since I have a lot of time to work on it. OH well!! Hope you all are having a good day. Sorry I'm complaining so much. My Mom would say "3 positive things Brittney." So here they are. 1.  I don't have to worry about what I eat anymore. 2. I have A LOT of great family &  friends. 3. I'm alive!! So there you go. :)


  1. Hello, hope this finds you on the have been in my thoughts and prayers since my daughter-in-law told me...tell your dad and mom, hello for me too!
