Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday's Saying

Okay sooo I know it's not Monday, but I had a lot going on yesterday and couldn't post.
Here is Monday's saying:

Don't change so people will like you.
Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.

So yesterday was a pretty fun day.
I went to work with a torn tendon and a small fracture, and ended the day with a splint in my finger.
That's right I said IN my finger. I have a small piece of wire that is heavy duty, working to keep my finger straight.
I guess maybe I should start at the beginning.
Friday was the last day of our Spring Camp at work, and around 12:00 my group was in the gym.
Well all week my co-counselor along with one of our campers, had been throwing a football whenever we were in the gym.
On Friday we were doing the same thing.
Only this time it didn't end with us just going to the pool and everyone being okay.
The camper went to block me from getting the ball, and being the competitive person I am, I went to try and get it anyway. I wasn't going to let a 13 year old boy beat me. :)
Well he hit it but didn't catch it. So I still had a chance. When the ball hit my finger it was still going pretty fast. I caught the ball but pretty soon after I could tell something was wrong.
My finger hurt like CRAZY!! I thought I had just jammed it so I went about trying to pop it back into place.
Welllll it wasn't popping anyway I pulled, so I just left it.
That afternoon when I got home it was still hurting, but I could deal with the pain.

Around 5 I finally broke down. It hurt SO bad and I didn't know what was wrong.
So I took a picture of my finger and sent it to my dad (he wasn't home at the time)

He told me to go to CareNow and get it looked at.
So off we went. Mommy & Meghan came with me.
2 1/2 hours later they told me I had a torn tendon, and a small fracture where the bone had pulled away with the tendon. They also told me I needed to have surgery because it wouldn't fix it's self.
So I went all weekend in a splint not being able to do a whole lot.

Monday I was able to call the hand surgeon, and get a emergency appointment for that afternoon.
So around 4:50 we (mommy & meghan) walked into the office, and by 7 something we (mom, dad & meghan) were walking out.
The Dr. drilled a piece of wire into the bone, then bent my finger so the wire would hold my finger straight. It was kinda cool to watch cause I couldn't feel ANYTHING. If I had been able to feel a single thing I think I would have been throwing up.
It's kinda weird knowing you have a piece of wire IN your bone.

I'll go back in 10 days just to make sure everything is okay. Then it will be about 3 weeks before they will do anything. They want to make sure my finger is straight before they finish.

So hope you enjoy the saying, and hope everyone has a GREAT week!!


  1. Whoa, sorry to hear that you hurt it that bad. It is good that you had it taken care of. Dave did something to his little finger a long time ago and he can bend it only a little, it is stuck in a bent position. Get well.

  2. Sorry about your finger! Hope everything heals well!

  3. Ouch! Hope you feel better soon :(

  4. OMW, your dad showed me a picture of your finger with the post sticking out the end of it. Needless to say, he got the reaction he probably expected out of me. Looks quite painful. Hope it's all better for your upcoming trip. Lucky! We enjoyed seeing your mom and dad yesterday. I got in a nice visit with your mom.

    1. Yeah my mom told me about it. I got to laughing cause I tend to kinda do the same thing. I wanted to come, but sometimes it just doesn't work out. I'm hopping I'll be able to get the wire out before our trip. It will REALLY stink if I can't have it out. Tell Amanda I'll come out again soon. I just have to save up for the trip out there. :)
      Glad you guys got to see my parents!
