Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Goals For The Week

Well with my parents being gone this week, I had a few things I wanted to get done BEFORE they got back. So here they are. :)

1. Have a garage sale Friday & Saturday.
2. Buy the first surprise for my mom.
3. Buy the second surprise for my mom & dad.
4. Clean the house. (which is kinda hard to do when you have piles of stuff to sell.)
5. Get the surprises set up so they can see them when they get home.
6. Don't go stir crazy with all the messes in our house.
7. Not eat Shawn & April out of house and home while my parents are gone. :
8. Learn to relax a little bit more.
9. Trust that the Lord is in control of everything.
10. Rest.

I must say I've gotten some of this list done but not all of it. The surprises are bought AND set up. So far I think Shawn & April still have food. ;) If not I can go shopping for them. Tomorrow is 1 day closer to Friday. Then I can clean the house before Sunday when the parents come home. So yeah I might get it done. :) The last 3 will take a little bit longer to change, but I'm working on it.
Hope you all have a good rest of the week.
My prayers are with each one of you.


P.S. As for the surprises, I would tell you what I got but, my Mom reads my blog so I can't tell you guys. When they get back I'll let you know what they were. ;) 


  1. Hey I am here in TX! Can't wait to see you. Hope you get everything done. :)

  2. garage sale?? sweet! good luck, i love getting rid of stuff ... and then getting more. but that's another problem;)
